Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11: The Proof is in the Pudding

A sad day for the American people. What makes it even more sad is that our own government did it to us. No, you say? Ok, well if it wasn't our own government, it was people working for certain people within our government. There is no way you can look at the facts and not at least admit that there is something fishy about the 9/11 attacks.

Let's do a quick review of some of those facts:


They say that the plane was completely melted from the crash that's why they could find any of the engines or wings or any parts (besides a couple that experts have said don't go to a 747). How is this possible when the maximum temperature that jet fuel can reach doesn't even come close to the minimum melting temperature of the titanium alloy used to make 747s? (it's scientifically impossible that the plane disintegrated on impact)

The hole in the side of the Pentagon was only 16ft wide. The wingspan of a 747 is 195ft. Hmm, enough said.

Multiple witnesses and Pentagon employees reported smelling cordite which is used in gunpowder and missiles. Cordite and jet fuel have two very different smells.

The explosion created a bright silvery flash, which does not match that of a jet fuel explosion which is yellow.

The Twin Towers:

They claim that the building collapsed due to fire. If this is true they would be the first skyscrapers to collapse due to fire in history. Lets look at some other skyscrapers that caught on fire and didn't collapse.

July 28th 1945: A B52 bomber lost in fog crashed in to the 79th floor of the Empire State Building. The building didn't even come close to collapsing.

February 14th 1975: A fire broke out in the north tower of the World Trade Center, it did not collapse.

May 4th 1988: A 62 floor sky scraper in Los Angeles burned on four stories for more than 3 hours, and didn't collapse.

February 23rd 1991: A 38 story skyscraper in Philadelphia  burned on 8 floors for over 19 hours, and didn't collapse.

October 17 2004: A 56 story skyscraper in Venezuela burned for over 17 hours and on 26 floors and did not collapse

February 12th 2005 the Windsor Building in Madrid a 32 story tower burned for over 24 hours and completely destroyed the upper 10 stories of the building and did not collapse.

Yet somehow the Twin Towers burned for 56 and 108 minutes and then somehow totally collapsed all the way to the ground.

Galileo's law of falling bodies shows that the towers collapse at the maximum velocity possible, this could only be accomplished with explosives.

Why do countless witnesses, video footage and firemen transmission all report hearing multiple explosions?

Why were there random unannounced "security drills" in the towers that completely evacuated certain parts of the towers weeks before the attacks?

Why were the bomb sniffing dogs removed from the building right before the attacks?

Why wasn't FEMA allowed on the scene to examine the evidence, and why was the wreckage from the attacks shipped to junkyards in other countries?

What happened at building 7? How did it collapse when no airplane hit it?

So many unanswered questions! How can you think that these attacks weren't set up?
If you don't think that these attacks were an inside job, please please please, I beg of you, PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO.

This video will better explain and give more detail to my list above, Please watch this video, you owe it to yourself to look at things from a different perspective. Also check out these great websites.

The truth will set you free.